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To the Honble. Genll. Court

Majr. Lewise Burell & Capt Thomas Godwine Executors of Colo John Lear Executor of Mrs. Anna Lear Sheweth ^plt. ver Coll Tho. Pollock in a plea of the case Complt^ That Colonel Thomas Pollack hath by his acct. Chearged the Estate of Colo John Lear for severall dayes work of severall of his servants & slaves at Sele ^on^ shilling & ^eight pence^ per day but hath given no Credit for five working slaves he hath had of the sd Colo ^John^ Lears ^& Anna his wifes^ Estate for two above two years by past wherefore yr Petr ^the plts^ desire to be payed for the Work of the forsd slaves Viz the Negro Manuell & his wife the Negro Charles the Indian Named Dinah and the Indian Named Harry as Colo Pollack hath Chearged for he the work of his slaves ^which^ will amount to Foure hundered & twelve pound & ten shillings starling for which thee three hundered & four pound three shillings & threpence For which yr Petr. ^the plt^ Craves Order with Costs.

The Executors of Lear
Colo Tho Pollack