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Before me Edwd Mosely Esqr one of the members of the Council and being authorised to take the Depositions of certain persons Relateing to the boundarys of the Government personally came and appeared John Smyth aged Sixty two yeares or thereabouts borne in New port parish in the Isle of Wight County abt fourteen miles from Blackwater River who on his Oath on the holy Evangelist taken Saith That he lived in Newport parish till the year One thousand Six hundred Seventy three or thereabouts at which Time this Deponent came and lived about five miles off Blackwater & about thirty miles off Weyanoak River which was always in this Deponents memory known to be the first River on the Right hand as you go down Blackwater till within these Twenty years or thereabouts the Nottoways comeing to Live nearer the River than they used to do & the Weyanoaks being all declined it Gained the name of Nottoway & this Deponent further Saith that he never knew or heard of any other River that was Called Weyanoake Except the abovesaid by the Virginians lately called Nottoway

Capt. & Jurat Vicessimo
primo die Januar Anno 1707

Coram me Edwd Moseley