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State vs. Tobias Duncan

The Deft. Tobias Duncan carried into Court and pleads not Guilty.

Whereupon came the following Good and Lawful men to wit
H. C. Fagg, T. S. Dillingham, J. T. Loggins, Henry Casey, J. R. Jones, M. M. Jones, H. J. Anders, J. L. Patten, J. L. Murray, J. H. Lay, J. L. L. Haslee and T. L. Bird

Who being duly sworn chosen tried and regulurly empanelled to speak the truth of and concerning the issues joined between the State and the deft. Tobias Duncan do say for their verdict that they find the defendant Guilty in the manner and form as charged in the bill of Indictment.

Thereupon it is considered by the Court that the defendent Tobias Duncan be confined in the State's Prison at hard labor for the Period of two years and that he be discharged therefrom according to law and that the Sherriff deliver him to the wardens of the penitentiary within the time prescribed by law.

I, J. E. Reed Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe County State of North Carolina do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true transcript of the records in trial and verdict in the above stated case April 27th 1874.

In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and the seal of said Court at office at Asheville NC.

J. E. Reed Clerk
of the Superior Court
for Buncombe County NC

No. 851
Buncombe County
April 26, 1874