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Memorandum for Chief:-

In Re: E. A. King:

This registrant was placed in class I by the Local Board of Columbus County; the registrant or his friends appeal to the Governor, who wrote the local board informing them that the registrant should be given a deferred classification; the chairman of the local board wrote to Major Langston, Aide to the Governor, enclosed the Governor’s letter and protested against the interference stating that the Governor was not acquainted with the conditions which surrounded this registrant and was in no position to dictate as to his classification. Major Langston asnwered by saying the local board had full jurisdiction and should class all registrants according to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Provost Marshal General. I read all of the correspondence in this case in the office of Major Langston, but when I attempted to get a copy of this correspondence from the local board, I found that it had been withdrawn from the questionaire of the registrant.

In Re: Minor S. Mills:

This registrant had been in the employ of the State Hospital for the Insane for four months as an employee; investigation of the case developed that his position was a minor one and could be filled by any man who was beyond the draft age. I interviewed Judge Timberlake, who is chairman of the Wake County Local Board, and he admitted that the judgement of the board was that this man should be in class I, but in view of the Governor’s letter, the local board recommended deferred classification. The copy of this letter is attached to letter from Mr. Carr to the Attorney General. Judge Timberlake informed me that the local board of Wake County had received a number of letters from the Governor in behalf of registrants, and that the local board considered these letters as orders, and acted accordingly. I find that all letters from the Governor to this board have been withdrawn from the questionaires, and are kept in the private file of Dr. Cavaness, who is a member of the local board. I feel confident that I can obtain copies of these letters. The letter mentioned above was incorporated in my report of July 30, 1918. There was also attached to this report a letter from the Governor to the local board, requesting them to defer three men employed by the State Hospital.

The Chairman and Chief Clerk of the Eastern District Board have informed me that they have numerous letters and telegrams from the Governor in the behalf of individual registrants and orders as to applying the rules and regulations which run counter to the rules as promulgated by the Provost Marshal. Both these gentlemen have informed me that these letters and telegrams are at my disposal.

In event that you need the data, I feel confident that I can get you more than twenty five letters written in the behalf of individual registrants.