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April, 3, 1914

Gov. Lock. Craig,
Raleigh, N.C

Dear Sir:-

I am mailing to you under seperate cover a petition from the business men of ,N, Wilkesboro, asking for an increase in the convict forces on the new road across the Blue Ridge now being built by the Watauga & Yadkin River, R.R, Co, This road is now graded within about, 14 miles of the top of the mountain near Boone, Watauga, Co Having known something of the necessities of this section & the inconvenients & hardship of the people in the past I am very much interested in seeing this road compleeted & the fact that it forms a connecting link between a turminous of thr Southern & the Norfolk & Western, would certainly make it a safe investment on the part of the state.

Trusting you will give this matter your favorable consideration I remain.

Yourse Very Truly

W P Horton