In the name of our Lord God Everlasting Amen—
We that have under written Vizt. James Bennett Thomas Hiter Charles Beazley Jemiah Pushing Send greeting to all Christian People Know ye that for & in Consideration of one hundred pounds Currant Bills of North Carolina to us in hand paid or Secured to be paid by James Hinton the Receipt whereof we the sd Indians do hereby acqiutt Exonerate & Discharge the sd James Hinton his heirs and assignes for ever have given granted Bargained & Sold & Do by these presents give grant bargain & Sell all that part and persell of Land Lying and being in Chowan Precinct Begining at the fork where Wm. Axom Lives and Runing up along Jacob Hintens Line to his Corner Tree & So ^to^ the Syprus ^pond^ and from thence to the main Road to the Maple Branch & Down the Maple Branch to the first Station Containing by Estimation five hundred Acres be the Same more or less to have & to hold the sd Land Bargained & Sold as aforesaid unto James Hinton his heirs and assignes forever with all rights Members & appurtenances thereof with all Clear Land Wood Land & all other Liberties and priviledges thereunto or thereon Contained and wee the sd Indians Viz James Bennett Thomas Hiter Charles Hiter Beazley Jeremiah Pushing all & every of us do promise & warrant that att the Ensealing & Delivery hereof we have a good right Lawfull athority to Sell the Same to James Hinten as Being given to us by an Instrument of Writing frome the Honourable Governer & Counsell of the Province aforesd Bearing Date 1734 and we the sd. Indians all & every of us Do warrant the sd premises Bargained and Sold as aforsd to James Hinten his heirs and assignes for ever free from all Claim, and Demand of us the sd: Indians our heirs Extors & admors or any Other person or persons Whatsoever Laying Lawful Claim Thereunto or any part or percell thereof & for the Acknowledgment of the Same before the Honourable Governer & Counsel when thereunto Reasonably Requird Wee do bind our Selves our heirs Extors & admors in the full Sum of two hundred Pounds Bill moneys In witness Whereof we have hereunto Sett our hands & Seals this 9th day of January 1733/4
Signd Sealed & Deliverd
In Presents of us}
John Alston
Thomas Garrett
Thos. Carman
John Thomas May the 20th 1734
This Day Came before me James Bennett and acknowledged that he executed the above deed in due forme of law as did ^also^ Thos. Carman who made oath that he Saw Thos. Hiter acknowledge ^in^ the Same forme let it be Registerd—
Wm. Smith CJ: